4[B]4 PEPTEID Research Laboratory
Bio-mimetic, Bio-enabled, Bio-based, Bio-hybrid Interfaces and Materials
Peptidomimetic Engineering Platform Technologies Empower Innovative Design: PEPTEID
University of Kansas

4BIM PEPTEID research group`s inspiration has been to understand Nature’ ability to design bio-based, bio-enabled, bio-hybrid interfaces and materials building upon mimicking molecular scale interactions in biological activity. The research in our lab is positioned at the convergence of molecular biology, materials science, nanotechnology, and molecular engineering to solve health and technological problems. Our approach has been specifically focused on peptide and protein science to identify, improve and design functional peptides and peptide-hybrids with multi-functionalities to find targeted solutions to engineering problems. In our research, we mimic functional domains of the biomolecular systems as they have evolved with all the properties ranging from structural support to diverse functions including antimicrobial properties, catalysis, enabling wound healing and tissue regeneration, maintaining fluids balance, signaling, transport. Building upon combinatorial biology and bioinformatics methods, we integrate machine learning guided engineered peptide design in our functional domain search. Utilizing peptidomimetic engineering, we integrate bioactive functionalities into our biohybrid material systems that are composed of peptide and peptide mimics with organic, polymer and inorganic materials systems. Through combined experimental and computational methods, we design controllable, predictable and tunable interactions at the molecular scale that can span multitude of length scales. Our biohybrid and biofunctional biomaterials design targets problems related to oral health, overall health including orthopedic and soft tissue engineering as well as developing process for sustainable engineering.
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Tamerler LAB, University of Kansas